BIOMIMICRY: Net Zero Nature based on 3.8 Billion years of History- Innovates, Adapts and replicates a Circular Economy Paradigm

Image: Video: 27 Inventions Inspired by Nature

ZERO-CARBON INVENTIONS: A butterfly wing could reduce the world’s lighting energy bill by 80% – a leaf converts sunlight into fuel in trillionths of a second – Termite-mounds Architecture naturally ventilated


Some principals of Biomimicry in Nature are: lives on sunlight, uses only the energy it needs, recycles everything, works within limits to be as productive as possible over the long run, and adaptation – within 3 levels of Form, Processes, and Ecosystems.

(Editor) I was first introduced to world of Biomimicry through American Janine Benyus’ 1997 book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, introducing innovators to 3.8 billion years of brilliant, time-tested Nature solutions. The second book by Australian engineer Jay Harman, The Shark’s Paintbrush, with examples of how we’re borrowing from natural models to invent profitable, green solutions to pressing industrial challenges – such as copying a butterfly wing could reduce the world’s lighting energy bill by 80%, and how a leaf converts sunlight into fuel in trillionths of a second….

Some well know inventions from nature is the Shinkansen fast-train modeled from a Kingfisher bird, Velcro from burrs, wind turbines modeled on Whales, syringes from Mosquitos, Building’s natural ventilation from Termite mound constructions…




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