WOMEN: As climate change impacts intensify, food security is hit by extreme weather conditions.

A reality TV chef from the age of 12,  Louise  Mabulo started looking for seeds to grow much-needed food supplies after a devasting  Philippines Typhoon.

Louise Mabulo became a Philippines TV chef at the age of 12 with a passion for home-grown food. Photo by UN Environment Programme

In 2016, typhoon Nock-ten- a Category 4-equivalent typhoon maximum sustained winds 185 km/h (115 mph) landfall at Catanduanes, Philippines. Over 380,000 people evacuated with widespread flooding and damage to infrastructure estimated US$127 million in damages, leaving 11,000 people stranded without electricity or food supplies, and 11 fatalities.

Crops lay strewn across the landscape, with 80 per cent of agricultural land destroyed. Farmers lost their livelihoods and income. Without electricity of fresh food, the community rallied around to help each other.

A reality TV chef from the age of 12,  Louise  Mabulo started looking for seeds to grow much-needed food supplies after a devasting  Philippines Typhoon.

“We have a culture that after disaster strikes, we stick together and help each other and work together. We were on the streets helping each other, moving from house to house trying to rebuild and clean up the damage. “It struck me that cocoa trees were still standing. They didn’t seem to be affected by the storm. I realized that cocoa is an ideal climate-resilient crop because it is fully grown in five years and ripe for harvesting in two or three.

On top of that, as a chef, Mabulo already knew that cocoa has high income-earning potential, which is vital for farmers who struggle to find markets for short-term crops, especially when there is a glut of them on the market.

“Farming was associated with poverty, yet farmers are the custodians of our food supply. They are key in maintaining a balance in our ecosystem, restoring critical biodiversity and providing us with nutritious foods.

Now, Mabulo is dedicated to fighting that stigma. Her Cacao Project has trained over 200 farmers in agroforestry techniques, planting more than 70,000 trees across 70 hectares of land. In future, they aim to craft high-value chocolate.

James Lomax, UN Environment Programme’s Sustainable Food Systems and Agriculture Programme Officer, said: “As climate change impacts intensify, food supplies are hit by extreme weather conditions.

“Ensuring that farmers can supply food to local communities and cities and at the same time earn a living, is a critical piece of the adaptation puzzle. Initiatives like these that focus on the importance of farmers and their ability to rebound from shocks set an excellent example for other entrepreneurs to follow and for governments to support.”

The Cocoa project is helping to cultivate lush surroundings in the Philippines. Photo by UN Environment Programme

She has also founded the Culinary Lounge—a laid-back farm-to-table kitchen studio. From bankers to farmers, the studio brings together people from all walks of life to enjoy food produced by the project, find out about where and how it is grown, and celebrate the work of farmers.

“I think you can tell stories through food; through ingredients,” explains Mabulo. The intricate flavours influenced by the spice trade for example tell the story of the Philippines. I have always adored cooking and the whole experience of tasting, smelling and making good food. It’s my passion.”

Soon, the first seeds donated to the Cocoa project in the aftermath of Typhoon Nock-ten will be ready to harvest. Then, the project will work with communities to test different ways of making chocolate and selling it, eventually also producing their own cocoa seeds.

“There will always be typhoons in future, and we are building long-term resilience in our environment,” she said. “In the meantime, our strength is in fostering respect with and for the community. That is something that can’t be destroyed.”

Read more: 7 Women / Young Champions of the Earth Prize, powered by Covestro, is UN Environment Programme’s leading initiative to engage youth in tackling the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Louise Mabulo is one of seven winners announced. 

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